A nutritionist guide to looking after your skin this summer

Summer is here, and so far, it has been beautiful. As much as we love the sun however, there are precautions that need to be made to maintain health and vitality. Protecting your skin is also extremely important. Sun damage can age your skin prematurely. However, this needs to be balanced with allowing your body some sun cream free time in order to make enough vitamin D to last you through the winter.
In order to protect your skin during your sun cream free time, we need an ample of antioxidants going into our body. Antioxidants help to counteract oxidation in the body caused by every day functions of the body and in sunburn and exposure to direct sunlight.
Vitamin E is especially important as it helps to mop up excess free radical damage. Vitamin E is found in nuts and seeds, wholegrains and cold pressed oils.
Vitamin C — Vitamin E makes a perfect duo with vitamin C which helps to keep vitamin E an antioxidant within the body. Vitamin C is also needed for the production of collagen in the skin, helping to preserve its health. The recommended daily in take of vitamin C is 40mg. This is the bare minimum in order to prevent deficiency symptoms. For great skin, and in times of physical stress such as prolonged sun exposure, our requirement dramatically increases.
Zinc — another great nutrient that is needed for skin health as well as the protection against oxidative stress. Zinc is involved in the creation of new protein structures within the body, skin cells being one of them. If you do get sun burnt, you will need adequate zinc in order to heal effectively. Zinc is found in eggs, pumpkin seeds and chicken. Vegetarians and vegans are often low in zinc due to their high consumption of beans and pulses which contain phytates. Phytates in excess can inhibit the absorption of minerals such as zinc, and supplementation may be required.
Sun cream — is essential if you burn easily or are going on holiday where the sun is above your tolerance level. It is, however, advisable to choose a natural sun cream. Many chemicals that are put onto your skin will go into your skin and enter your blood stream, so it is essential that you are choosy with your sun creams. Many natural sun creams contain ingredients such as coconut oil and zinc oxide which are harmless to the body.
Enjoyed this post? Check back soon for more tips to keep you happy and healthy this summer, from HEALTH AND FITNESS!

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