Blood circulation: herbs and diet to improve it

Do your feet or hands fall asleep or get tired frequently? Do you get cramps? Do you feel exhausted or tired in hot weather? Do your legs swell? Do you feel tingling in the extremities? Do you have too much hair or have weak nails or skin? Most likely, it is due to poor circulation
It is not possible to have good health without good blood circulation, which is responsible for the distribution of blood through all the organs, systems and cells of the body. It is important, also, that we have a good blood quality so that the body is efficiently nourished by means of the circulation, which makes silicon reach the nails, hair, skin and other places "far away", nourishes calcium to the bones and full of vitamins , minerals and oxygen all cells, tissues and systems.   
Circulation problems are usually due to lack of physical activity, fat accumulation or lack of elasticity in blood vessels, emotional stress and, above all, a poor diet. In this case we will give you some dietary tips so that your circulation improves and the quality of your blood is always in the best conditions to nourish your body.

Food not recommended

Fats derived from dairy, red meats, fried meats, sausages of animal origin (ham, sausage, etc.), bacon, butter, margarine, very cooked and oiled dishes, pickles, preserves, sugary or processed products, everything fried (potatoes toast, etc.). An excess of sodium is also harmful, so you should avoid abuse of salt intake, and avoid drinking alcohol, smoking and consume irritating products such as coffee or spicy.

Recommended foods

Vegetable oils (soy, sesame, olive, etc.), nuts, blue fish such as salmon, tuna, etc., olives, avocado, citrus fruits (orange, tangerine, lemon, etc.), red tomato, seaweed, foods rich in potassium , bananas, whole grains, legumes, etc.
Fiber-rich foods should be included daily, as this helps eliminate accumulated fat. In addition, you should include pure water, drink at least 2 liters a day .
The blueberries are rich in vitamin P, which increases capillary resistance reducing their fragility and hyperpermeability, they are excellent for improving microcirculation, besides favoring the regeneration of retinal pigment. It is recommended to consume this fruit daily, as if they were grapes, especially in cases of hemorrhagic disorders due to capillary fragility or venous insufficiency, as well as in cases of deficient night vision.
The garlic is one of the best allies of good blood circulation , among a long list of benefits, has vasodilatory properties, which help your circulation improves remarkably quickly. For your best use, take garlic in a fast with a glass of warm water daily.  
Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as flaxseed or fish oil are also suitable in diets to improve blood circulation.

Herbs to improve circulation

Luckily, nature has everything to help us recover our health. And medicinal herbal infusions are an excellent alternative to help the body have good circulation. Here we give you some herbs:
  • Rosemary : good to activate blood circulation.
  • The Horsetail : is a very good remedy to prevent hardening of the arteries and help reduce harmful cholesterol accumulated. Drink a cup after eating, one or two cups each day will be enough.
  • Hawthorn: good for cardiac disorders and to improve coronary circulation and efficient myocardial nutrition. The hawthorn is slightly reducing the heart rate, so it is used in arrhythmias and tachycardias, as well as in heart failure.
  • Mistletoe
  • Passionflower
  • Olive leaves: they have a hypotensive effect due to their activity as a peripheral vasodilator and diuretic. It is used to lower tension and prevent angina and heart arrhythmias. It can be combined with hawthorn.
  • Rusco: used to prevent the appearance of varicose veins, hemorrhoids, heaviness of legs, swelling of legs or ankles, etc.
  • Hammamelis: an effective remedy to promote good general circulation, is used and recommended in cases of varicose veins, hemorrhoids and heavy menstruation.
  • Ginko biloba , ginger and ginseng are supplements that help good circulation.
  • Dandelion: for being rich in tannins and soothing properties, it is very beneficial in peripheral circulatory problems (poor circulation in the extremities). For its best use, local baths should be made with the infusion of said plant. 

Recipes for good circulation

Then we share some recipes so you can include in your daily menu and help your good circulation. You can drink a cup of some of the above herbs after each meal.

Blend to help good circulation.

You need
  • A spoonful of flaxseed
  • A glass of almond milk
  • A banana two
  • A little pollen
  • Bee honey to taste or drink without sweetening
1. Blend everything and drink slowly without sifting.

Special salmon salad to increase a beuna circulation

Yield: 3 to 4 servings
  • 300 grs. of salmon.
  • 3 lemons
  • 100 grs. of olives .
  • 1 lettuce.
  • 1 cup of fresh soybean sprouts
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Cayenne pepper (good for circulation)
  • Sea salt, the least possible
1. Cut the salmon into thin slices, season with salt and let it marinate for 3 minutes in the lemon juice. 
2. Wash the lettuce and cut it in julienne, distributing it on a platter with the soy. Dress with virgin olive oil, salt, lemon and cayenne pepper. 
3. When the salmon is ready (it will have completely changed from pink to white), it should be drained and placed on the lettuce and soybeans. Top put the black olives.   
Remember, in addition, exercise every day , walking, swimming and mountaineering are excellent ways to maintain good circulation and a healthy heart.

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